Sunday 28 August 2016

Sev Puri

Small puris : 5 to 6
Sev : 1/2 cup
Coriander and mint chutney : 1 tblps
Sweet chutney : 1 tblspn
Chopped onions : 1/4 cup
Chana Ragada : 2 tblspn
Chat masala : 1 tspn
Coriander leaves : 1 tblspn chopped


  • Take few puri and poke it.

  • Dip these puris in sweet chutney.

  • Now fill puris with chana ragada.

  • Pour in some coriander and mint chutney over it

  • Add sev over puris.
  • Sprinkle chat masala over puris
  • Add some onions and garnish with coriander leaves.


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