Saturday 11 June 2016

Mango Paayasam

Paayasam, an authentic and classic South Indian sweet made from rice, jaggery (molasses) and ghee (clarified butter). Adding mangoes to this traditional recipe takes this dish to whole new level.

Check out my recipe.

Ingredients :

Rice : 1 tbspn (washed and soaked for 1 hr)
Jaggery (molasses) 1 tbspn
Mango Puree : 3 1/2 tbspn
Cardamom powder : 1/4 tspn
Ghee : 2 to 3 tspns
water : 3 to 4 tbpns
Cashew nuts : few sauted in clarified ghee
Pistachios : few cut them in two halves.

Method :

  • Place a pan on medium flame add rice and water in to it.

  • Let it cook on medium flame until it is completely cooked.
  • Reduce the flame and add jaggery and let it cook until jaggery is completely melted.

  • Now cardamom powder and ghee and mix them well.

  • After simmering it on low flame for 2 to 3 mins, turn off the flame and let it sit for 5 mins off the flame.

  • Now add mango puree to it.
  • Mix in mango puree turn the flame to sim and close the lid.

  • Let it cook on low flame for about 5 to 6 mins
  • Keep checking and stir occasionally to avoid burning and to avoid payasam from sticking to the bottom of the pan
  • You can add more ghee or jaggery as per your taste.

  • After cooking payasam in mango puree for 5 to 6 mins, you can smell sweet  aroma of mango and jaggery. At this point you can add canshew nuts and pistachios and turn off the flame.
  • You can serve it hot or cold with mango slices.


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