Thursday 9 June 2016

Mango Mukta Kulfi

Kulfi is Indian version of Ice cream. Before mango season bids good bye, lets devour king of fruits.


Whole milk : 375 ml
Condensed Milk : 200 gms
Cream : 125 ml
Cardamom : 4 nos
Cinnamon stick : 1 inch
Mango Puree : 200 gms.
Sugar : 100 gms
Saffron strands : Few
Milk : 1/2 tspn
Diced mangoes : Few to garnish
Pistachios : Few roughly chopped


  • Place a deep bottom pan on medium flame and add milk to it.

  • Let it boil for 10 mins then add condensed milk.

  • Reduce the flame to simmer.
  • Add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

  • Add cardamom and cinnamon stick and let it boil on low heat for 15 min.

  • Turn off the flame once milk has thicken or becomes sticky. 
  • Milk consistency should be thick as shown in the pic below.

  • Let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Mean while take 1/2 tspn warm milk and add saffron strands. Let it sit until saffron leaves it color into the milk
  • Now strain kulfi mixture to another bowl or jar.

  • Add cream and mango puree to kulfi mixture.

  • Using a hand blender or a hand whisker, blend cream, mango puree, saffron milk and kulfi mixture.
  • Blend until all the ingredients incorporate with each other.
  • Now transfer this mixture into mutka and garnish it with pistachios.

  • Keep mutka in deep fridge for 7 to 8 hours.
  • Serve it cold with diced mangoes.


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